maj kalfus
Fine art, collage, digital, illustration, drawing and more.
“The way to be universal is be individual” - W H Auden
"My work is diverse in subject matter, technique and materials. I am often drawn to a subject; explore it for some time and then move on. My materials include oils, acrylics, pastel, collage, graphite, ink and anything else I can experiment with."
Background: Maj Kalfus was born in Brooklyn, New York. Her paintings and drawings are influenced by an extensive career in the fashion industry. After attending the High School of Art and Design and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, as well as classes at the School of Visual Arts, her career, which began in the field of fashion illustration, evolved into fashion merchandising, marketing and design. Re-entering the world of fine art, she joined the Studio Arts Program at SUNY Empire State College to finish her art degree.
In Columbia County, NY, where Maj and husband Lonny lived for 17 years after leaving NYC, she took advantage of the natural landscape and gardens creating interpretations of flowers, vegetables and rural vistas in a variety of mediums and began teaching art at the community colleges and local art schools. With the emergence of a rich art scene in Hudson NY, she curated and participated in a host of group shows and was featured in solo shows as well. An unexpected addition to her resume is cartoons…her weekly cartoons were featured in a local newspaper and she was part of the of the 2014 Best Of in the New Yorker.
Two years ago Maj moved to Weston CT. She teaches art in Westport and Weston as well as the Silvermine arts center. She is a member of the Artist Collective of Westport.
Get in touch with Maj for:
Classes, Shows and Sales
Information at:
Upcoming Events
Westport Bookstore showing of my
Digital Compositions. beginning Sept.1
Weston Senior Center
Fall Colors
Beginning on Sept.12th
Westport Senior Center
Farm Art, Beginning on Oct. 2nd.
Silvermine Arts Center
Sumi-e Japanese Brush Painting
Two session
Sumi-e Classes begin Sept. 20th
begins on Nov. 1